Sunday, February 22, 2009

plans for a garden

I would like to have a garden this spring/summer.
there are two box gardens already set up in our backyard.

I only hope my landlord will let us have the one by the red shed
{if she lets us have one at all}

this is what I'd like our garden to look like:

I want to plant all of these above,
oh, and also some darling sweet pea flowers.
is that too much for one box garden?
I think it might be.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

on my mind as of late

i want to go back
back to being blonde.

if I were blonde...
I think this pregnancy would be easier.
every day would feel like summer
I'd have more fun!! jk
blow-drying my hair would be faster cuz my hair would be fried
etc. etc.

{these are all really LAME and questionable excuses for coloring my hair,
but I really want to be blonde again, is that too much to ask? all I need is Katie Gunnell to fly up here to Utah and do it for me, are you in Katie???}

Sunday, February 15, 2009

a lover's holiday

my first valentine's day that I
didn't have to work in over 3 years.

this is how I enjoyed it...

box of chocolates, which Charlie ate most of!!

Charlie wrapped up the famous 'make-out' gum we enjoyed during our dating days, oh wait, we never made out, never!!!

we slept in,
I made Charlie pink frosted cinnamon buns for breakfast
watched a couple episodes of LOST
headed over to an early dinner
walked around the mall
saw a movie
yes, I would say it was a fabulous lover's day indeed!
wouldn't you say so yourself??

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Charlie and I are...

P R E G N A N T!!!!

that's right folks, we're expecting baby #1!!!
I've never been more excited for anything in my life than to have this baby.
prayers have been answered, and our lives have been blessed.
we can't wait to meet our lil' peanut in September!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

table for 5, please

our cousins, Daners & Korine

we both have food in our mouths, hence no teeth. thanks Korine!

and Aric

I would love to come back in the summertime and
sit out here on these COLORFUL patio chairs!

So Korine found this restaurant being showcased on a food network show.
Blue Plate Diner was such a darling, quaint little 1950s diner
in the heart of Salt Lake City.
I'd go back again in a heart beat, i loved it!
what Korine and I didn't love, were the boys talking about their
upcoming summer BASEBALL league the ENTIRE time,
but hey, they're boys,,, what did we expect?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

my ode to St. Valentine

I've been decorating a little late for Valentine's.
I always decorate my kitchen bay window first, I don't know why.
complete with a tri-cake platter, antique tea cup, fresh flowers and a picture of a dog.
i added this banner to the window display.

I liked the banner so much I made a banner kit
for the girls I visit teach and for a bestie,,,Jacque.

and couldn't resist light pink,
heart rice crispy treats to give along too!

I only wish I would have decorated sooner, I only have a week to enjoy it!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

does he look familiar???

yes, he is presently on American Idol.
his name is Adam Lambert.
he was Feyero in WIckeD when I went in August.
he is amazing and is such a sweet guy, sweet enough to take a pic with me!
I just thought I'd share this interesting fact.

Monday, February 2, 2009

in a nutshell

Katie's bf AJ had his EAGLE project on Saturday morning.

such a great turnout! we painted the rails at Mountain Gate park which was also holding little league tryouts!! it was pretty funny when people leaned on the rails only to find their whole ARM was GREEN!! haha

we went straight over to Mason's 6th birthday party after the eagle project.
can I just say I LOVE this tree house!

Saturday night::: Leanna's baby shower!

the night ended with Landon getting horsey rides from Grandpa Greg!

and Sunday morning,,,
time with Grandma Donna Jean

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