Thursday, September 30, 2010

1 year of life

That's right, my little boy is 1!!
Can I just say how much I love my baby.
He is the sweetest person you'll ever meet.
His demeanor and countenance is so pure and kind.
I never thought I would have a boy like him, he's a dream.
My husband and I have been so blessed this past year
with Baby Charlie in our lives.
I can't believe it was a year ago that I was in the hospital delivering this little boy.
I like to look back on my first post as a mother.
Also, the post about the first few weeks with baby.
I am so thankful for my little one and it will be exciting to see what
the future has in store for him!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

walking and tubes

My little boy has been walking for about 3 weeks now!! He took his first steps one Friday night and he didn't want to walk much more for a week after. Then, last Monday he started walking from one side of the room to the other and hasn't stopped since!! I love that he walks now! His jeans or pants don't get as dirty since he isn't on his knees crawling as much. He loves his new found independence!
Some bad news, my baby boy had his 6th ear infection. Along with that he threw up last night like every 30 minutes and he was just miserable, as was I. After visiting with the pediatrician we finally received the OK to see an ear specialist to get tubes. FINALLY! The tubes will make a big difference. We are scheduled for surgery on Thursday morning, his 1st birthday. What better way to say happy one year of life then to go back to the place you were born!!! It will be a bit surreal to say the least to back at Utah Valley hospital!! Please pray for him!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


{ Baby Charlie loves, loves, loves having playtime with Azaleia }
and sorry for the blurry pics taken on my phone.

my thoughts

Oh my goodness! I really have so much to blog about but so little time.
I am back in college, yup that's right!
Any spare minute I have I am on the computer doing assignments, group discussions, reading lessons and blah blah blah. I am finishing my degree online with the University I started with... BYU-Idaho. I actually cried the other night as I was reading a talk for an assignment by Elder Bednar called "Learning to Love Learning" where you can read it HERE .
I later chatted with my husband about how great it feels to be back in school learning again. I had forgotten what it was like to read and study subjects I didn't know or cared much about. I am so grateful for this coming busy year that I will have with completing college all the while raising my baby boy. It will be hard but it will be good for me and for my family.

This is WAY off subject,,,
but I found this picture of a group date we planned in September 2007!!! It made for a good laugh and it's important to take a minute to laugh every once in a while!
me, charlie, mark, jessica, dave and charlotte!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

a Savannah wedding

{Uncle Mark, Reba, Nate, Gabby, me, baby Char, Charlie, Grandpa Baggett, Cameron}

{this picture is just so natural, one of my favorite pics from the weekend}

{jon, chris, baby char, charlie, nate}

{siblings... uncle mark, moira, aunt lisa}
{siblings... Dee, Nate, Jon, his bride Becca, Charlie, Reba}
{huck finn aka cameron}

{ most beautiful sunset }

{the new Baggett family... Ava, Becca, Jon, Trevor, & Elaina}

I love the Baggett family and I'm so glad we were able to head to Savannah for Jon's wedding.
That sunset was to die for and it made the perfect backdrop for the happy couple Jon and Becca.
There were quite a few family members that I met for the first time and they are so funny, definitely have that southern charm you read/hear about! Charlie has such a wonderful family and I just wished we could live closer to them. In all, it was short but sweet weekend full of love and family!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

growing and traveling

My little one is 11 months old!!!!
I can't believe it has almost been a year since he was born and joined our little family.
He is so so so so so special to me and I LOVE my little Charlie.
So far this last month...

he has been standing up on his own
loves playing with toy cars (such a boy)
loves laughing at his funny daddy
finally said Ma, Momma!!!! (this might be my favorite!)
climbing on any object or person
loves to push his walker around and getting ready to walk any day now
loves reading books still
likes to get into the cupboards and pull everything out!!
cuddle with Mom and Dad!

On another note,
we are going to Georgia this weekend for Jon and Becca's wedding!!
See you all later!

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